Saturday, December 11, 2010

Food Charts

Food Charts
Reproduced from Page Food
Canned Foods-  Processed Foods
An article by Anderson
Balance between Space and Time
Potassium and Sodium

Space elements in foods convert to energy
while the Time elements in foods convert to substance.
Sodium is the most Time of the elements used in nutrition,
while Potassium is the most Space of the elements used in nutrition.
Canned (tinned), processed and cooked foods decrease the ability to produce energy and increase the ability to produce substance. In other words, substance tends to make a person both sluggish and fat. In addition to this, Canning, processing and cooking reduces their vitamin contents and their enzymes are partially destroyed. This is a far cry from the balanced product turned out by nature.
Dr. Werner Schuphan’s conclusions regarding Potassium losses in canned foods:
47 per cent in spinach, 51 per cent in tomatoes, 60 per cent
in green beans, 65 per cent in carrots, 66 per cent in peas.
At the same time Sodium increased by:
357 per cent in spinach, 368 percent in carrots, 450 per cent in
tomatoes, 1421 per cent in peas, 5857 per cent in asparagus, 45,554 per cent in green beans.
Other researchers reached similar conclusions. Take beets. Canning them increased the Sodium content from 60 milligrams per 10 grams to 236 milligrams and decreased the Potassium content from 335 milligrams to
167 milligrams

Processed FoodsSodiumPotassium
Canning reduced the Potassium content of fruits by as much as 100%
Cooking completely reversed some Sodium-Potassium ratios such as in brown rice, which before cooking had 9 parts of Sodium and 214 of Potassium and after cooking had 28parts of Sodium to 7 of Potassium.
Brown RiceSodiumPotassium
Processing produced incredibly high Sodium contents in
some foods, as for example, Baking powder, which had
10953 parts of Sodium to 150 Potassium.

Processed FoodsSodiumPotassium
Canning reduced the Potassium content of fruits by as much as 100%
Cooking completely reversed some Sodium-Potassium ratios such as in brown rice, which before cooking had 9 parts of Sodium and 214 of Potassium and after cooking had 28parts of Sodium to 7 of Potassium.
Brown RiceSodiumPotassium
Processing produced incredibly high Sodium contents in
some foods, as for example, Baking powder, which had
10953 parts of Sodium to 150 Potassium.
Processed FoodsSodiumPotassium
Baking  powder10953150
Bread Stuffing1300172
Processed cheese625240
Corn meal1380109
Canned soup87586
Table salt387584
Corn flakes1005120
Italian dressing209215
Soya sauce7325366
Waffle mix1433162
Cakes, pies, macaroni, spaghetti, breads-all the same story-
high in Sodium and low in Potassium. And then there was salt itself, with 38758 parts of Sodium to 4 of Potassium. When it is realised that the ratio between Potassium and Sodium in natural foods was at least 25 to 1 in favour of Potassium, it could easily be seen that anyone using the above foods in abundance was throwing his body so far out of balance that there had to be disease and malfunction sooner or later.
The whole incredible story was unfolded by the Sodium-Potassium content of natural foods as against canned, processed or cooked foods, when The Agricultural research Service of the USA Department of Agriculture published handbook no.8 entitled "Composition of foods-Raw, Processed and Prepared."
How different is the picture when we look at natural foods, e.g. Almonds 4 parts of Sodium to 773 parts of Potassium.
Natural FoodsSodiumPotassium
Grape Fruits1162
Wheat germ3827
Green Beans>7243

The way these two elements naturally occurred in raw foods was a perfect illustration of the balance between Space and Time and was obviously designed by nature to provide maximum benefit for animal life, since all animal life fed on natural fruits, vegetables, and cereals and was never fat and was never sick.
If you ate canned, processed or cooked foods, you were putting into your stomach a product that was greatly altered from the way it was originally produced by nature.
A diet of processed foods, even though supplemented with essential nutrients, produced deficiencies of Potassium in humans. Such persons developed listlessness, fatigue, gas pains, constipation, insomnia, low blood sugar. Muscles became soft and flabby; pulse weak, slow, irregular. These symptoms are suffered by millions of people. It is difficult to imagine how such deficiencies could occur when Potassium was supplied in all raw, natural foods. But people were now eating relatively few fruits and vegetables, the richest source. Moreover, when vegetables are soaked and boiled and the water discarded, the Potassium was thrown away. Medications such as ACTH, Cortisones, and diuretics cause Potassium to be excreted in the urine, as did Aspirin and many other drugs, including alcohol.
Potassium could be obtained naturally from fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, nuts, sunflower seeds etc.
High blood pressure, usually caused by an excessive sodium intake, had also been produced in both animals and humans by diets deficient in Potassium. High blood pressure also had been successfully treated by giving patient large amount of Potassium. Dr.Dahl, who had spent years researching the relationship of Sodium intake to high blood pressure, had found in all age groups that the greater the sodium intake, the earlier and more numerous were deaths from hypertension. The high sodium contents of prepared baby foods was an especial target of Dr.Dahl’s. By feeding baby rats canned meats and canned vegetables prepared for infants, he produced high blood pressure that was fatal in four months.
The greatest harm done by Potassium deficiency was probably its effect upon the heart. It has long been known that heart attacks were often associated with low blood potassium and a low potassium diet. In addition, experiments had shown that animals deficient in potassium suffered extensive degeneration of the heart muscles, and suffered from liver disturbances.
Whenever potassium in the cells was low, blood sugar was low. Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia, has become a major health problem in modern societies, causing fatigue, irritability, and foggy thinking. Low blood sugar caused still more potassium to be excreted in the urine. Then the eating of high sodium foods resulted in both potassium in the blood decreasing and blood sugar dropping, bringing a feeling of exhaustion.
Since lack of potassium allowed sodium and water to pass into the cells, increasing the potassium intake often corrected edema or water retention. Weight conscious women, wishing to be quickly rid of every excess pound, begged physicians for "water pills" Though the urine output was temporarily increased and pounds lost, the cells again retained water because of an even more serious lack of potassium. Blood sugar then dropped until exhaustion became unbearable. Amphetamines were then used for a "pick up". These made nerves tense and sleep evasive. Millions of women were caught in this vicious circle.
Dr.Max Gerson explained that cancer cells thrive in a sodium condition and die in a condition of live oxygen enzymes and potassium (So lavish in the Gerson cancer therapy). Every cancer patient that Dr. Gerson attended had high amounts of sodium in his or her body.
Americans spent more than 200 million dollars each year for pills to make them sleep, more millions to wake them up. More than 20 million tons of aspirin are consumed each year. Pills by the tons to alleviate constipation, to reduce weight, pills to improve the appetite, pills to cut down the appetite, pills to pep you up, pills to calm you down, pills to break the habit of taking pills.
Modern medicine has degenerated into a state of "pill prescribing". It has become so fragmented with so many specialists in so many areas of the human body that a patient can no longer find his way through the maze, and hospitals and medical services were pricing themselves out of reach. Why such chaos in modern countries of brilliant materialistic and technical achievements?
Quantity and quality prompted thought processes in modern consumer oriented societies, so the fruits, vegetables and grains of nature were sprayed, cooked, mashed, mixed, injected with preservatives, dyed, boxed, canned, frozen, tinned and moved out to the consumer by the ton. Not only was their nutritional value thus put in question but their freedom from poisons as well.
Perhaps the greatest harm done by excessive sodium intake was that it caused serious loss of potassium from the body. Potassium by activating many enzymes was essential for muscle contractions. Potassium heals and invigorates and stimulates the liver, sends messages through nervous system. Potassium is strongly alkaline. It makes tissues elastic, muscles supple and creates grace, beauty and good disposition. Without potassium, sugar (glucose) could not be changed into energy or stored for future use. Potassium stayed inside the cells and was balanced by sodium outside the cells. If potassium was deficient, however, sodium entered the cells, taking with it so much water that many cells burst. The result was water retention (edema0, damage to muscle and connective tissue, and scarring.
It is important to remember, however, that sodium, in proper balance with potassium is essential to life and health. Sodium aids digestion and is also described as youth maintainer in the body. Sodium seems to be the conductor of electric currents inside the body’s nerve cells.
Nature’s way of perfect health was fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, cereal greens- a vast array of variety and taste, regular storehouse of health, energy and vitality, a golden door to a vigorous life.
Mind was Space and body was Time. When correct balance existed between them there also existed perfect health. If a diet was too Time (many processed foods and animal products), it produced a Time imbalance in the person. He or she tended to put on weight, and his or her consciousness became overly materialistic. When a diet was too Space (overly weighted with carbohydrates), it produced Space imbalance in the person. He tended to become too thin, and his consciousness became overly spiritual. Diet, then, could be a powerful force for the elevation of consciousness, but it also could be a powerful force for the lowering of consciousness. Balance was the key to a healthy mind in a healthy body. The lives of saints and Rishis indicated that they had lived on such a diet
"Eat always from the table of God; the fruits of the trees, the grains and grasses of the field, the milk of beasts, and the honey of bees. For everything beyond these is Satan, and leads by the way of sins and diseases unto death. But the foods which you eat from the abundant table of God fed Methuselah of old, and I tell you truly, if you live even as he lived, then will the God of the living give you also long life upon the earth as was his."
– Words of Jesus from the Essene Gospel of Peace
"Although the human body is a marvelous machine, it cannot build sound, healthy tissues from foods that have been grossly adulterated for commercial purposes."
– Dr. Henry G.Bieler
"The path of civilisation is paved with tin cans."
– Elbert Hubbard

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