Benefits of Yoga Poses
This article discusses the various benefits of performing yoga. It is important to understand that yoga consists of four disciplines and each provides benefits of its own. The four disciplines in yoga are Pranayama (the control of breath), Asana (postures in yoga), Mudras (exercises in endurance) and Bandhas (exercises in contractions). Here we will discuss the immense health benefits of the various Asanas practiced in HathaYoga.
It is very empowering to know, and realize with practice, that the human body can achieve all the benefits of most stimulating physical sport just by practicing the different Asanas in Yoga, without any exertion. Physical exercise and sports would involve loss of breath, increased heart beat and fatigue which points to the fact that they are not optimally stimulating to the body. Instead they cause fatigue and friction within the body.

While it is better to indulge in sports than lead a sedentary life, the practice of Yoga ensures that you get all the benefits that sports offer without the fatigue and the wear entailed in it. Asanas are a continuous sequence of contraction and expansion of muscles that lead to higher blood flood, stronger muscles, more elasticity and the resultant better functioning.
Benefits of Yoga Asanas in Improving Digestive
The stomach, pancreas, liver and the intestines are the major components of a digestive system. The proper functioning of all these organs is vital to a healthy digestive system. Yoga through the use of Asanas aims to do just that. To aid the muscles of these organs and to maintain elasticity and strength it is important to stretch and contract them. When the organs lose their elasticity, their functioning becomes very poor. Elasticity is vital to the functioning internal organs.
There are Asanas which are designed specifically towards improving the digestive system. The benefitial yoga asanas which cause the stretching of your abdominal muscles and organs while contracting your back are as below:
- Salabhasana: This posture resembles a grasshopper
- Dhanurasana: The posture of a bow
- Bhujangasana: The posture of a cobra
There are other Asanas that do the exact opposite effect of stretching the abdominal muscles. They contract the abdominal muscles and organs while stretching the back muscles. The benefitial yoga Asanas which perform this function are as below
- Paschimottanasana: Stretching the back muscles completely while lying flat
- Halasana: The plough pose which stretches the back muscles
- Yogamudrasana: This is a mudra which stretches the back muscles similar to the way Dhaurasana stretches the abdominal muscles
Yoga Asanas Improve the Blood Circulation
Asanas such as Uddiyan-Bandha which induces a rising and falling of the diaphragm provides massage to the heart which is very stimulating. The other yoga asanas which are beneficial for improved circulation are as below
- Viparitakarani (the inverted posture)
- Halasana (the plough posture)
- Sarvangasana (the head stand)
- Shirsasana (head stand position)
The practice of these Asanas on regular basis increases the blood circulation in the body inducing a healthy functioning of all the organs. Another benefit of inverted positions such as Savangasana leads to the ease of blood flow in the veins reducing the pressure therein
Benefits of Yoga to the Respiratory System
Keeping the lungs in good shape is extremely important towards the optimal functioning of the respiratory system. The various inhaling and exhaling exercises which are performed during the Asanas aid the lung in inflating fully. The below yoga poses are extremely beneficial towards preserving the elasticity of the lungs and the clearing of respiratory tract:
- Salabhasana
- Sarvangasana
- Viparitakarani
All the Asanas above involve the holding of breath which causes the inflation of the pulmonary cells increasing their elasticity and getting them stimulated.
Yoga Benefits the Endocrine Glands through Stimulation
There are 6 endocrine glands present in a human body namely
- 1. The pituitary gland 2. The pineal gland 3. The thyroid gland 4. Parathyroid gland 5. Adrenal glands 6. Gonads or sexual glands
The pineal glands located in the brain region are highly benefited by the practice of Sirshasana, Viparitakarani and Sarvangasana. These three yoga poses are also good at maintaining the health of the thyroid gland, parathyroid gland and the pituitary glands. The Adrenal glands are highly benefited by the practice of the below Asanas
- Bhujangasana (cobra pose)
- Uddiyana-Bandha (abdominal lock)
- Dhanurasana (bow pose)
The health of gonads or sexual glands is vital for the proper functioning of the human body. In men the gonads are the testicles while for women it’s the ovaries. The practice of Sarvangasana and Uddiyan maintain the good health of the gonads.
Yoga Asana Aid the Excretory System
Urine contains uric acid which should be promptly disposed from the body. Present in the large intestine are various bilious waste and other fecal substances which should also be discarded. If these toxic substances are not removed properly they cause severe defects in the human body. The practice of the below Yoga Asanas helps keep the execratory system in a healthy state.
- Dhanurasana (bow pose)
- Bhujangasana (cobra pose)
- Uddiyana-Bandha (abdominal lock)
- Sirshansana
- Paschimottanasana
- Sarvangasana
Benefits of Yoga to the Nervous System
The Asana Uddiyana-Bandha is known to help the spinal column remain in a supple condition and is highly beneficial to the synaptic nerve system. The practice of Asana like Sirshasana and Viparitakarani aids the proper function of the cranial nerves situated in the brain region.
Benefits of yoga poses to the human body are immense. Following these Asanas on a daily basis will keep your body working in an optimal state and ensure that you are disease free. With improved blood circulation and digestion comes energy assimilation and with improved excretion the body stays free of toxins. Yoga maintains the functional balance in the body and thus creates good health.
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